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Learn how Invisalign affects the way you eat from the best orthodontist in Ripley WV

How Invisalign Affects the Way You Eat

It’s one of the most sought-after forms of orthodontic treatment today. Invisalign clear plastic aligners are changing the way patients are fixing their smiles, blending seamlessly into everyday life. One of the major perks of Invisalign is the fact that it is removable, which makes everyday tasks, like eating, simpler than with braces. With braces, there is a

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Learn more about Invisalign Teen in Ripley WV

Start the School Year Right with Invisalign Teen

A new school year is quickly approaching! Can you believe it? It’s time to get back into the groove of after-school activities, homework, early wake-up calls and the seemingly constant running around. Teenage patients may be contemplating ways to start school on their way to a better smile. There’s no time like the present to start planning your

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Braces and Bullying in Parkersburg WV

Braces and Bullying

When you’re a teen, it seems like there’s always that one person who is out to ruin your day with a mean comment. Unfortunately, bullies are out there in all facets of the world, and it can be difficult if you have braces, because bullies may see you as a target. The good news is you don’t have

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Discover the best treatment for parents in Ripley WV

The Best Orthodontic Treatment for Parents

As busy parents, it can be almost impossible to think about doing something for yourself. Between helping your child with schoolwork, driving them to extracurricular activities, cooking, cleaning, working and everything else in between, addressing your orthodontic issues tends to take a back seat. As more and more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment to not only help them

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Should you get braces or Invisalign in Ripley WV?

Should You Get Braces or Invisalign?

Your smile is an important part of who you are, and choosing the right orthodontic treatment is equally as important. In the days of seemingly endless options with everything from cars to food selections to hobbies, the world of orthodontics is no different. For many patients, options for orthodontic treatment range from different types of braces to a

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Give someone you love a healthy smile with Invisalign or braces in Ripley WV

Give Yourself or Someone You Love a Healthy Smile

The holidays are quickly approaching! During this season of giving, many struggle to find ideas on how to show someone they care. From elaborate gifts to cookie baking marathons, everyone has their own way to give back during the holidays. At Smith Orthodontics, we have some other ideas this holiday season. A healthy smile means more than just

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Do you need a dentist referral to see an orthodontist in Ripley or Parkersburg WV?

Do I Need a Dentist Referral to See an Orthodontist?

If you’ve noticed issues with your smile or your child’s smile, you may be wondering if it’s a good time to start treatment with an orthodontist, but waiting on your dentist to suggest it. Although some dentists do refer their patients to trusted orthodontic professionals, a referral from a dentist isn’t necessary to start seeing an orthodontist. In

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choosing between in-network and out-of-network orthodontic insurance

In-Network vs. Out-of-Network Orthodontic Insurance

Finding out you or a family member needs orthodontic treatment can cause you to start thinking about ways to pay for it. Orthodontic treatment is an investment, but a very wise one, and finding the best way to make treatment attainable for you is often one of the first steps in the process. The great thing is there

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the first visit is the first step to your orthodontic journey

What to Expect During Your First Orthodontic Visit

Seeing an orthodontist for the first time may make you a little nervous. With not knowing what to expect or if they will be able to help you, there may be a lot of questions milling around in your head. The first step on your orthodontic journey is to find the right professional who will help you get

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